Monday, April 30, 2012

Roman Graduated

 Roman graduated from UVU with a Bachelor Degree in Exercise Science last week and I am so proud of him!  I feel so lucky to have a husband who values his education and career as much as Roman does. I have hardly seen Roman the last few semesters and when i do see him he usually has his head in a book, at times it has been hard, but i am so thankful for his dedication he kept through school. Being at the end of this journey and looking back really makes you realize how much time and effort goes into school! It is amazing that through juggling school work, work and family he was able to survive!  I am so grateful for what we have learned through his under graduate experience and for the lots of fun memories and friends we have made. One important things we have learned is to make the time we have together count because it is limited, i am sure this will come in very useful while he is furthering his education in medical school. We have had so much support from my family and his and we are so grateful for that.
Way to go, you did it!!!

Random photo of my parents i know but they were there at grad we just didn't get a pic with them in it, i will take one and replace this one just wanted to credit them too! My sis Tysen came also!


  1. Way to go Roman!!! There is nothing better....I could be wrong..but I'm thinking he'll be taking the MCAT soon...?? If so, GOOD LUCK!!! Time will fly from here one it, really. Darling pictures as always.

  2. Yay for being done with the undergrad!!! Great accomplishment. School requires so much work and dedication! And I'm sure he couldn't have done it as well without a supporting wife:) Congrats to the both of you! Love ya, girl!
