Friday, July 6, 2012


 music class

 visiting az before we moved here

 slip n slide

 Good bye party with my nieces
 lucy and nora
 party with my nephews
 lucys feeding duck obsession
 nail polish, naughty
this girl gets the lids off every and anything

The last couple months have been crazy, so here are some pics to catch you up on our life! Since Roman graduated he took a job in Arizona at a physical therapy office, we moved here a couple weeks ago and i am liking thus far, minus the hot hot weather. Roman took the m-cat the day we moved, stressful you think, yes very! We are awaiting his score and then he will apply to med school all over, so exciting not knowing where we could end up, its a fun adventure. Saying bye to my family and friends nearly killed me and yes i still cry about it everyday, very home sick!! Lucy is adjusting pretty well, she is a little nervous with all the new faces but that's expected. She is attached to my hip non stop, literally, but her little world has been tossed up side down so i am trying to be understanding, its hard at times. Our life is transitioning lots right now and although i have lots of emotions about it all, good and bad, i am excited about our future and trying to live it up!


  1. We miss you here and hope everything is going well! I really hope you keep your blog updated, we love seeing pics of you guys!

  2. So sorry to hear you're home sick :( :(
