Friday, April 13, 2012

Funny facts about our babe

Lucy is a little girl now, here are some fun facts about her...
  • She is starting to talk, her vocab includes...
Mom, dad, papa, bath, book, fish(pish), baby, more, ice, juice, cheese, eyes, hair, home, bye bye, hi, bonk, bubble, banana, bike, lyla, bree, tyse, crew, nor, more, please, thanks, purple, pink, chalk, shoes, outside(side), duck, bed, bubble, apple, spray, brush, gosh, pop, cookie, polish, ball, toast
  • She doesn't have a bottle anymore.
  • She understands most of what i tell her.
  • She knows how to point to her eyes, nose, feet, toes, mouth, hair, belly button
  • She loves her blanket it comes everywhere with us.
  • She knows what noises a snake, cow and tiger make
  • She is obsessed with food, literally eats all day long and will try anything
  • She has 6 teeth
  • She knows how to fold her arms
  • She can blow her nose
  • She tries to jump and knows how to walk in circles
  • She loves her fish and is obsessed with ducks
  • She is starting to cuddle
  • She loves her music class
  • She is a serious mommies girl
  • She still hates the car
  • She will sleep anywhere
  • She isnt a fan of dogs
  • She follows me around all day long, shes an extension of my arm
  • She wont watch tv for longer than a couple minutes
  • She loves the bath
  • She loves being outside
  • She walks everywhere
  • She loves to sit and have books read to her
  • She empties every cupboard and drawer in our house multiple times a day
  • She still loves her jumper she spins herself silly in it
  • She sleeps from 7pm to 7-8am at night
  • She loves music and dancing
  • She is scared of most guys
  • She loves to swing
She is the best thing in the world, we love her so much!

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