Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Enjoying our surroundings here in Oregon

We have or i guess i should say i have become more adventurous since living here in Oregon(Roman's always been that way). There are so many beautiful things to see and do that every second Roman isn't studying we are discovering new parks, beaches, lakes and much more. Here are some(a lot)pics from the last while!

 Devil's punch bowl state park
 We missed high tide, it fills up with water and is really cool i guess
 searching for critters

 Fresh flowers Roman picked us
 Going for hikes in our "backyard"

 Lucy's luscious hair

 Park dates while dad studies

 Henry Hag Lake

 Playing on a gigantic tree trunk, who needs man made toys ha ha

 playing dr just like daddy

 Sassy pants

 Free lunch at the park with friends, yes we have friends finally :)
 I always love peeking in on lucy sleeping, never know what she will be doing
 Riding bikes in the park that boarders our backyard

 Picking our own fresh fruits/vegis lucy's really good at choosing the best strawberries!

 movies on the lawn
 documenting the baby bump at about 14 weeks i think, showing way more than with Lucy!

 Trying to talk herself out of timeout at church, not happening girl

 Farmers marker shopping

 Cannon beach bon fire with some of Roman's classmates

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