Tuesday, August 20, 2013

4th of July in Utah

This year, due to me being sick(morning sickness), Lucy and i were in Utah for the 4th of July. I always prefer to be there for this holiday because my family celebrates it bigger than any holiday and i think Utah in general celebrates more than most and i love that, however feeling sick was not ideal. We did make the most of it and did lots of things, i had so much help that it made it easy! I gave in and told my family i was pregnant way sooner than i thought because i was so sick and with Roman in school it was to hard to keep a secret. When my mom found out i wasn't feeling good she suggested we come home for a couple weeks so they could help with Lucy and i could have a break
and rest. I was so glad because Madi and my mom were my saving grace, seriously took care of Lucy for 3 weeks so i could rest and take it easy. It was a fun visit but we were ready to get back to Roman, we missed him too much! Thankfully when i left i was feeling better and my pregnancy has been good since with the exception for migraines and back pain but compared to throwing up tons ill take it. This baby is a little stinker, were guessing its a boy bc its been so opposite of my pregnancy with Lucy but we cant wait to find out what it in 3 weeks :)!

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