Thursday, June 20, 2013


We have already had visitors and i loved every second of it! Roman's mom and 2 sisters came to see us last week, we were on the go non stop to see as much as we could. It was tiring especially with Lucy but she was an angel and did amazing for being in the car so much! They brought the sunny weather to us, its rained everyday since they left but i was so glad they had beautiful weather while they were here. We had so much fun playing with them and miss them so much! Lucy loved all the attention she got and keeps wondering why people appear and disappear just as fast, she's a little confused with our move to say the least!
 The falls
 Tillamook cheese factory
 Cape Meare look out
 The octopus tree

 Voodoo doughnuts on national doughnut day
 The rose gardens

 We hiked 1/2 mile though the forest to a surfers cove, it was cool
Goonies Rock on Cannon beach
Multnomah Falls

 Famous Bruce's candy store in Cannon Beach

 Private beach on the hike to the light house
 Surfer's beach cove

 Cape Disappointment
 Astoria column

 Picking our own strawberries, they were amazing we will be doing this weekly


  1. Oregon is GORGEOUS! LOVE looking at all your pictures! Keep up the good work! Your house looks absolutely ADORABLE! and of course Lucy continues to be a living DOLL! Glad you have had some family there to visit--it always feels a little less far away from everyone after both your parents have been there and seen your house and surroundings!

  2. What a perfect trip it turned out to be. I don't know how it could have been any better. You were such a trooper. We had no idea you were pregnant. Candice kept us all on the go and there was no whining or complaining from you or Lucy. Thanks for showing us such a fun time. Darn I miss all of you. It's just so hot and boring. Miss that little fish that use to swim in our pool.
