Friday, May 24, 2013

Bye Arizona

When i think back over the past year i can't believe how quickly it has gone by, i feel like we just moved here. Lucy has grown up so much and we have lots of amazing memories and experiences we will always remember! It is bitter sweet leaving, i have loved it in Az and being around family and friends has been so fun but it is time to open another chapter in our lives. I am glad we left before the brutal summer hit but i already miss the heat and sunshine! We had so much fun the last month hanging out and spending lots of time with everyone before our sad goodbyes! I've never been good at goodbyes and i ball my eyes out whenever i say bye to anyone so that part wasn't fun! Who knows if we will end up in Az for good but we had a good run the last year and i am grateful we were able to live there for a year. On our way to Oregon we stopped in Utah for 2 weeks to see family, it was lots of fun. Here are some pics from the past couple months.

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