Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

 I meet up with some friends for the final Twilight movie, loved it!
 Feeding and playing with the ducks is one of Lucy's favorite things

 Roman running down the freeway to the airport because he almost missed his flight due to a car accident on the freeway, luckily he made it!
 My sweet grandpa
 Best waffles ever
Best cousins
We spent Thanksgiving in Utah this year with my family and it was so fun to be home with Roman! I did not take one single picture on Thanksgiving, Roman often says I'm trying to capture the moment in a picture i don't enjoy or live the moment so i have been trying to not be so obsessed with capturing moments on my phone however i am sad i didn't get any pic. Oh well we had an amazing Thanksgiving meal prepared by my mom and loved having dinner together as a family! It was a fun trip!

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