Monday, November 12, 2012


A couple weeks ago i was browsing instagram when i came across a picture that informed me i was going to Nashville! I was speechless and soooo excited. Roman's mom had secretly booked me and lucy a flight to go along with her and bryan to visit Rachel. Best mother in law award(she does many amazing things for us). Anyways it had been a whole year since seeing the Waite's and we were so happy. Willie, Rachel's husband is in ortho school at Vanderbilt and they absolutely love it there, after visiting i now know why. It is a beautiful, charming, family oriented community, what more can you ask for. It was an absolute blast going to see all the famous sites, running in Carrie Underwood and having Lucy and Mia play. It was an amazing trip and i owe so much thanks to Sidney and Bryan for making it happen.

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