Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The place we call home!

We have been living in Arizona for 3 months now, its crazy how fast time really does fly by. I am liking it more and more as time goes on, I am finally feeling more settled and its is starting to feel like home. Its weird to call a new place home, however i am glad i can say that because for a while i felt out of place and kinda lost. Lucy is doing great and growing like crazy. I feel like shes grown up so much since we moved here, she's a little girl not my baby anymore. She is in nursery now, which she is doing pretty good in, she usually gets upset once or twice but stays so im sure with time she will be totally fine in there. Lucy is starting to watch tv which sounds so horrible but nothing usually keeps her attention for longer than a couple minutes so to have 20 min to get something done is heavenly. She loves to do everything i am doing, she definitely a mama's girl. She still gets into everything, cupboards, drawers closets you name it shes in it. We attempted potty training her because she showed interest but we backed off for now we just put her on the potty a couple times a day to get her use to it and will try again full force in a couple months. Lucy is very smart and learns so much everyday, she's a little sponge and i love it. She is talking tons and will try to say anything. Its so funny to listen to her play pretend, the things she says makes me laugh, she a funny little one. We spend lots of time in Pine at the Madsen's cabin, the weather is always cooler there so its worth the hour and a half drive for the weekend. Lucy loves the outdoors and is obsessed with animals. Roman just applied to PA school, were praying her gets in this year. He changed from Med school to PA school which we are thrilled about!!! However with the change deadlines were past and there was only a limited number or schools he could apply to. We are hoping he gets into one of them, if not we will be in az for another year. I'm feeling calm about either option so we will see. We should hear back from most schools by Christmas time were hoping to know what the next step will be. All in all we are doing great and loving our little family life we have. Here are some pics of the past few months.

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