Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Ive been trying to make our house(where were renting) feel more like our home, here are my projects I've been working on.
Before and after lamp
Our couches before

And after

Our new and improved curtains
They were just plain white, backed with black out fabric so they looked chunky.
 Now they flow better and the stripe is navy, the pic doesnt do justice, there really cute in person!

I got this frame at a consignment store for $1 added a little paint and it looks new!
It was light wood before with a tan mat.

I have one more project to do, recovering these chairs and pillows.
Wish me luck, hopefully they turn out cute.

These little hands were apart of the projects to helping every step on the way!


  1. I love that Lucy's helping you. Totally something McKelle would do. Can't wait to see you guys so they can play!

  2. One proud Mother in law, so glad my son married a "home maker". girl after my own heart!
