Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lucy is 4 months old

A few cute pics from the last month. I can't believe Lucy is already 4 month old, time goes by so fast now! She is such a doll and we love her so much! My life seems like a blur since she was born, however, i don't even remember what i did before we had her. She is getting so big and chubby and i love it so much. Her acid reflex is kind of under control, she still throws up pretty much all day but it doesn't seem to bug her as much when she does. Although she is a pretty fussy baby and cries most the day i love her more than words can say!! She is my little hip rider, she is literally attached to me non stop!
Some fun things about her...
She weighed 13 lbs 5 ozs, 30 percentile
She is 26 inches long, 70 percentile
She cues and makes lots of noise
She is grabbing at anything you put in front of her and hold on to it
She is attempting to roll over
She started eating rice cereal and doesn't really know how she feels about it
She is sleeping through the night for the most part
She sits in her bumbo pretty good
She loves her baths
She loves her bottle, she would eat all day if i let her
She is getting chubby, i love squishing her chub
She is liking her binkie a little more, thank goodness
She is starting to giggle and laugh and it is adorable

1 comment:

  1. Ah I miss her so much. I'm obsessed with all of these pictures!!
