Thursday, May 19, 2011

A true miracle

How cute is my new niece, i think she is darling! My brother and sister in law are in Eastern Europe adopting this girl from an orphanage as we speak. Today was the first time they met her and were able to spend time with her and they loved every minute of it. She is such a doll and i can't wait for her to come home so i can hug, kiss and play with her! This has been an amazing journey and i couldn't be happier for them. They truly live the most selfless, Christ like life. They will be changing this little girls life forever and giving her something she probably could never have imagined. I look up to them tremendously and can't wait for them to come home! We hope and pray that the remaining journey goes smooth and they are able to bring her home soon! To read more about their amazing story go to their blog trust me it's worth it!


  1. Oh my goodness, shes perfect! What a happy day:) I am so happy for them, I think there story is amazing. What perfect examples they are of Christ like people.

  2. this is your BROTHER!?! i've been following this blog! ahhhh i'm so so so thrilled for your whole family! we adopted my sister from Russia and it was quite the process...everything is so uncertain with international adoption, esp that whole eastern area right now. it's scary! truly, a miracle. what a happy happy happy time for your family!!! it makes me cry!
