Thursday, October 3, 2013

Chalk art festival & Free doughnuts

We love living in a small town, there are always fun things going on and we are a couple streets away from main street so were in the thick of things! A couple weeks ago there was a chalk art festival so we signed up and went with some friends, we had no ideas but came up with this, fitting our life journey right now. The Sorensen girls really have talent, we love this family they have become our good friends and we do lots of things with them. Lucy adores Paige and Madilynn who babysit her! We also found out if you dresses up like a pirate at krispy kreme you got a dozen doughnuts free, so we did just that and it was yummy! We also went to a school in Portland which has swift birds who migrate to the chimney there every year, it was fascinating to watch them swarm into the chimney they go in like a funnel and there are tens of thousands that fly in it each night. I wish i had a better picture but it was cool!


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