Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy Halloween

Halloween has definitely been Lucy's FAVORITE holiday thus far!
 It might have been the fact that she had the cutest costumes or maybe the fact that she is
 either way it was so fun and she loved every second of trick-or-treating! Good thing her cousin Cash let her tag along with him, at first she was a little confused about the process, she picked it up fast. She was very polite and would say "trick or treat" she would then get all excited about the candy in her bucket try to go in the house of the person who gave her candy, when we told her we had to go get more candy she would say "thank you" and run off to the next, it was the cutest thing ever! I am loving this stage of Lucy, she has such a spunky personality and talks so much she cracks me up all the time. We also had a Halloween party with the Madsen's for FHE, we had delicious homemade pizza Sidney made, yummy dessert from Natalie and carved pumpkins! Spencer and Tay threw a friend Halloween party that was a hit, everyone's costumes were amazing! October was a fun month and we definitely celebrated Halloween to the fullest.

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