Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Stitches ( Also in March)

Lucy had to get stitches the day she started walking, thanks to me. In our apartment we have a light that hangs really low, where a dinning table should go which we dont have, very inconvenient in the middle of a room. Roman and i were having her walk back and forth to practice walking and she was just learning to stand up on her own too. She stood up on her own and walked across the room to me, i was so excited and we were cheering for her. Here comes the problem, i was standing under the light which i didn't realize and lifted her up in the air and smacked her head on our light. It was so scary and sad, it split her head right open. She was really brave and hardly cried however we decided to take her in and have it checked out because we couldn't get it to stop bleeding. The doc came in and with one glance said she needed stitches. I walked out i could barely bare the thought of shots in her head to numb it, she was historical. The whole process took about 45 minutes and it was horrible to sit in the waiting room listening to her scream, she was so sad but i couldn't go in i was so sick to my stomach. Roman was such a good dad and stayed with her. He was super calm and didn't even get mad at me :) For the record i was very calm to when it happened! Were so grateful stitches were all that was needed. She is luckily forgiven me and is back to her happy self. It was so cute as soon as i walked into the room after her stitches she reached for me and cuddled up laying her head down on my shoulder, i was relieved she wasn't mad at me! Shes a tough little girl!

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