Sunday, January 29, 2012


Lucy's 1st birthday from Roman Madsen on Vimeo.

I can't believe my baby is 1 today, time has flown by so fast and it's so bitter sweet! I am loving each new stage and watching her grown is amazing! She is a little sponge, she soaks up everything and learns so much everyday. She is so much fun, I love interacting with her and getting responses back. She is a busy body and hardly sits still, she definitely has some spunk to her; sometimes good, sometimes not so good. She is taking steps on her own time but not quite walking, I'm sure it won't be to long until she roams everywhere! She is starting to talk she says mom, dad, papa, hi, bye, ball, bath, more, ah-o, and she tries to mimic and say most things i say to her. She is a garbage disposal, she will eat anything and everything all day long, good thing for her it seems she has a fast metabolism. She is a mama's girl and never wants to leave my side, shes my little hip rider! She has a darling personality and i love her facial expressions which she makes all day long! She has been such a blessing in my life, being a mom is one of the best, most fulfilling things in the world. It's definitely tiring and trying at times but i wouldn't change it for anything in this world! I love Lucy more than words can describe and she means everything to me! I LOVE you baby girl, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


  1. Shaley, she is such a doll!!! I love the outfit too.

  2. Shaley it turned out so cute! Cracks me up she could wear that big blue wig at Halloween with no problem and the little pink party hat scared her,go figure.Such a cute picture of your Mom with the girls, I'm so jellous she is surrounded by all her Grandkids!
