Sunday, August 21, 2011

Giggles & giggles

We went to the duck pond the other night to feed the ducks and Lucy thought it was the funniest thing ever. I'm pretty sure we will frequent this park because it is absolutely adorable when she giggles and laughs this hard!


  1. oh that laugh is contagious!!! I cant even wait to sneak in her room each night and play!! So cute shay!

  2. oh my goodness this is the cutest ever!! I love baby laughs, they are the best! I'm glad you figured out the video posting - sorry I didn't help that much!

  3. ummm she is just getting cuter and cuter!! She is a doll!

  4. that is the cutest thing ever! she has such a cute giggle! I would go to that park everyday to see her laugh like that.

  5. her laugh is so cute! Adam and I were cracking up:)

  6. Cash and I are sitting here watching it over and over with huge smiles!!!
