Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lucy's 3 months

Lucy is 3 months old today and i can't even believe how fast time goes by. She is such a doll and i can't get enough of her. She is smiling all the time, starting to make lots of noises and has even laughed a few times. She pulls the funniest faces, its hilarious, she's so much fun. Her acid reflex seems to be under control which is such a blessing, she still has bad days but nothing compared to how it was before. She is definitely beyond spoiled, and i can admit it. She is pretty much everything i said my baby never would be, the Lord sure does know how to humble me. I love her so much and can't even imgine life without her, she bring so much laughter, happiness and love to me. Love you Lu Lu!


  1. Cute new blog layout! Love that little Lucy Lu. I love the nickname Lu Lu, so cure!

  2. Fabulous facelift on the blog!! Lucy couldn't get any cuter... My goodness! Love her...

  3. Thanks guys, I love it too! Rach helped me, that's why it's amazing, she really has the best taste in everything!!!

  4. SHE IS A DOLL!! I always say that same thing, but I really just think she is so dang cute! 3 months already! Crazy! :) In just that amount of time I will have my own lil one...I can't believe how fast time goes!
