Sunday, October 6, 2013

Family pics

I wanted to have some family pics before i get "big pregnant" and before we add another little girl into our family so last week we threw together some pics. Luckily i have an amazing friend who has a good camera and volunteered to take some for us, they turned out so cute she should be a photographer! I really love these!

 This is prob my favorite!
 Daddy daughter love
 She melts my heart

 She's just the cutest

 A little forest action, we do live in a forest so we figured this was fitting scenery!
 Little goof
 Goose egg forehead but still as cute as ever!
 Cheesy i know but we still love each other after 4 yrs, that's an accomplishment these days!

Baby bump another cheesy!
 This is what happened 2 hrs before pictures, thank goodness for make up! Poor little girl ran right into the corner of the wall, wish i could say i was surprised but she's a little clumsy these days!

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