Wednesday, June 26, 2013


We are excited to announce that baby #2 will be joining our family January 26, 2014.
 Wow that seems like forever away! 

We are so happy that we will have another little one in our family and i am so excited for Lucy to have a sibling! She was so excited when we went to the ultra sound this week and got to see the little babe squirming all around, she thought it was so funny! She keeps asking me "Mom when is my baby going to come out of your tummy and play with me" she will be such a good big sister and we can't wait! 

Our guess is that were having a boy, we obviously would be happy with either,  i'm just glad were only having 1!  This pregnancy has just been so different than my other pregnancy so we shall see! 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Shaley! I'm so excited for you! McKelle loves having a baby sister, I'm sure Lucy will love it too :)
