Thursday, January 27, 2011

Full Term and feeling it!

37 WEEKS!!!!
It's so crazy that i am due in 3 weeks, my pregnancy has gone by so fast. I have been so lucky thus far, my pregnancy has literally been a breeze! Everyone has warned me that these last few weeks are miserable, wow is that an understatement! Around Christmas I started to have such bad swelling mostly in my legs and hands but now it is pretty much my whole body. I am trying to count my blessings, 8 months of good vs 1 month of bad but i am definitely feeling ready to be done. I will miss being pregnant, i love love love feeling her move around be active but i can't wait to hold her and have her here with us. Roman has been so amazing, he rubs my hands, feet, legs and back every night after i lay on my heating pad and ice the rest of my body. All the sudden its hard to walk and get around, i waddle non stop especially by the end of the night and my body aches non stop but it will all be worth it in the end. He is so supportive and i could not ask for a better husband, thanks babe. We are so anxious to have our little girl here with us and we hope it's sooner than later that she joins our family!


  1. ahhhhh! I can hardly wait! IM so excited, I have been meaning to call you two, maybe skype tonight?

  2. ugh shaley, I know exactly how you feel. it DOES end and she is so worth it. To be honest I dont miss being pregnant yet, but i am sure I will. There is a whole new set of pains that come after :) So excited for you, its the best thing ever!


  4. There will be days you'll wish you could safely tuck her back inside so you are wise to appreciate this special time together.And just to tell you my first delivery was a snap and I was just on a natural high for a week. hope yours is as much fun!

  5. I can't wait to meet little Lucy. I plan on coming over in the next week- week and a half. I'll call you soon! I'm just waiting to get a cell phone again--sigh. I'm so glad Roman is spoiling you. SO exciting!
